The Gas Station is a location in GoatVille.
Outside the location are various gas pumps and a car being pumped up, to which the whole place will explode if any of them are hit.
On the right to the convenient store with snacks, magazines, and other items. There is also a service garage (open) and a car wash (closed). Between the building and fence is a stack of crates that can be used to enter the Low Gravity Testing Facility.
A school bus that leads to GoatVille High can be found here.
The gas station is located behind the Starter House, across the street from the Construction Site.
- Michael Bay: Blow up the gas station.
- There is a trophy in the Service garage, in front of a wrecked car on the right.
- The Gas Pumps are labeled as part of the "Gasstationroof" object.
- On early Mac versions of the game, the roof was removed due to the Mac version's beta status, but was eventually added.