Goat Simulator Wiki

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Slender Goat is an NPC in the Cemetery in Goat City Bay. Despite its strange appearance, Slender Goat will not attack you. However, in the mobile and older console and pc versions, Slender Goat will run toward you, slamming its upper half on the ground making a muffled roar with crunching sounds. Its head tends to get caught in nearby trees. If you Baa at it, it will run after you but will not be able to hurt you. If you get out of the graveyard, it will stop following you. A way to beat him is to headbutt him a few times, making him disappear.


  • The name is a fan name based on the Slender Man creepypasta.
  • You can lick it and drag it around, but it will disappear like Slender Man himself [Sometimes in the Windows/Mac version] if you take it outside the graveyard. (sometimes he will not disappear in the Xbox One edition.)
  • Players can use the Inventory Mutator to capture the Slender Goat and take it outside the graveyard. It will act oddly, but not vanish.
  • He is probably about +15 feet tall.
  • It is an antagonist and has no concrete form, but appears very humanoid and lanky. It's neck will also stretch to extremely abnormal sizes when it is in ragdoll mode.